• This design is Super Efficient and therefore Reduced in Size when Compared with My Traditional Dolphin Style Fin. This design will Function Very well in a Range of Surfboard Designs and with Less Fin Area is Very Easy to Maneuver while giving Superior Hold and Drive, compared to Dolphin and other Fin Designs. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • This Fin is Bigger than most Multi Fin Designs. With my Thicker, Wider Tail Designs it is Necessary to have Good Hold and Drive, as the Softer Hull Shape of my Designs Require the Larger Fin to Provide the Necessary Hold and Drive to Accommodate the Increased Volume in the back Half of the Design. This Fin is a Reliable All Round Performer and has been Proven and Tested in My Boards, World Wide in All Conditions. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • This Fin is Bigger than most Multi Fin Designs. With my Thicker, Wider Tail Designs it is Necessary to have Good Hold and Drive, as the Softer Hull Shape of my Designs Require the Larger Fin to Provide the Necessary Hold and Drive to Accommodate the Increased Volume in the back Half of the Design. This Fin is a Reliable All Round Performer and has been Proven and Tested in My Boards, World Wide in All Conditions. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • The Moob

    This Design works Especially Well in Larger Down the Line Waves; when you need to Stay High on the Wall and Retain Good Speed, as it Provides Great Hold and Flow, Excellent for Tube Riding. The Narrow Plan Shape, with the Base Moved to the Tip of the Fin, Provides More Drive as the Area is Deeper into the Water, where it Gives More Efficient Thrust. The Narrow Plan Shape also Allows the Board to Go from Rail to Rail, making it Easy to Turn. This Design has been Tested over Many Years by my Test Pilot Alastair McDiarmid in a Very Wide Range of Wave Sizes and Conditions, in Australia, Hawaii, Indo and the South Pacific Islands. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • I Modified the Original Fin by Reducing the Plan Shape to Allow the Fin to React Quicker from Rail to Rail, while Still Providing Drive and Flow with Good Hold. I Originally used it in the Early Lazer Zaps, where it did the Job. For Those who want to use the Traditional Dolphin Fin, My Modified Fin Design will give you a Higher Performance. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • Same Function as the Original but the Extra Length in the Tip provides Longer More Powerful Drive and Hold. It’s Good for Powerful, Flowing, Down the Line Long Arc Surfing. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • This More Upright Design is Quick and Pivoty; less Drive but Elevates very Quickly and is Good for Short Arc Surfing. Performs Best when you are Surfing the Face of the Wave. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • I have been using these Fins since 1991 and they are Well Tested in a Wide Range of Wave Sizes and Conditions around the World. This Fins Function is to Provide more Drive and Hold while giving the Ability to be Easy to go from Rail to Rail as well as All Round Turning Ability. This Fin’s Design is Narrower in the Plan Shape than the Traditional Dolphin Fin Design, which have a Wider Base and Narrower Tip Area. By Narrowing the Base and putting it into the Top of the Fin, it provides a more Efficient Drive and Hold Function, because the Area of the Fin is Deeper in the Water. The Forward Knuckle in the Plan Shape Utilises the Waves Motion (drawing up and over). This Function Pulls the Board Against the Face of the Wave, which Gives it the Hold and Drive. All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • This fin gives amazing holding and driving capabilities; the forward knuckle gives extra hold and drive. This Fin has the same design features and Performance Characteristics as the 110% Original Fin. This version is for Narrower Tail Boards under 15” wide and can also be used as a Center Fin for a 2 plus 1 configuration. Especially on Long Boards or Guns All Australian made laid up fibreglass fins
  • Made in Australia McCoy Leg Rope Dimensions 8'0" length 7.5mm Price $53.00 AUD
  • Made in Australia McCoy Leg Rope Dimensions 6'6 length 7mm Price $43.00 AUD
  • Made in Australia McCoy Board Bags from 5' to 10'6 Price $120.00 - $180 AUD freight not included
  • Two piece Large Deck Grip McCoy Oval
  • Two piece Large Deck Grip McCoy Logo
  • Three piece Large Deck Grip McCoy Logo
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